Wednesday, February 17, 2010

An Olympic Leap For Noodle Head

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Here we have Kayloo on Rock #1:

And here we have Kayloo on Rock #2:

These photos probably don't seem ALL that interesting, but I had to share them with you guys because it took a BLOODY LONG TIME to get these shots. And NOT because I had to snap so many photos.

Oh no.

It's because Kayloo thinks she is as wee as a can of tomato soup and that her little ol' four-left-pawed self was embarking on an epic leap across the English Channel.

She seemed quite pleased with her feat. Well done, Noodle Head (that is one of her nicknames. Nope. Dunno why).

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  1. Noodle head is a wonderful nickname. Mesa is DipDunk

  2. So athletic! We fostered a dog who really was athletic and would gracefully jump like a gazelle over our furniture. Then Miss M. would try doing it but she looked all chubby and clunky, but she acted like she was so graceful and athletic...

  3. @Schwang- when we first got Kayloo & we were trying to think of a name I was trying to figure out if I could work "ballerina" in there somewhere. She is oh-so-very clumsy ;)
