Sunday, February 14, 2010

Stuff My Dogs Have Wrecked: Remote Control

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Back in the day when my dogs were really, really bad, they gnawed on the remote control, notably the power button. Now the TV turns on at random times, like in the MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT, which is a pain because the TV popping on throws me into confused, half-awake freak-outs:

Me: John! Wake up! WAKE UP! A burgular has broken into the house and is downstairs watching Friends!!! Tell that asshole to turn it down and to stop laughing at the dumb parts.

Being the uber-romantic I am, I got John a replacement remote control for Valentine's Day. Don't judge me, that is what he asked for. In an attempt to take this practical gift from "heh?" to "YOWZA!" I decided to make a chocolate cake that LOOKED like a remote control. How clever is that? An edible remote control. Brilliant.

Except it turned out like this:

I'm not sure what that looks like. R2D2 maybe? Am I insulting R2D2?

Sorry, dude.

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  1. Love it! Seeing this makes me wish my husband would buy me a bunch of sandals and bake me a sandal cake in honor of Shakespeare's love of leather.

  2. Cute cake. Oh, if I made a list of things my dogs have eaten over the years it would take me days, quite literally.

  3. It looks cute! And much more yummy than what my charred attempt at cake would look like. Enjoy your uninterrupted nights... :)

  4. hahaha, i love your remote control cake! i had a boyfriend once for whom i made a birthday cake for his birthday every year in a different theme. one was a ski mountain, one a can of pabst blue ribbon, and one was a backpacking backpack...that last one was a baaad idea!

  5. LOL, That's a great cake! If he's like most guys, he won't care what it looks like. As long as it tastes good :)

  6. This is such a sweet idea, and it looks delicious!

    My dogs used to chew up shoes! Can you imagine trying to rush out of the house while trying to locate a pair of "wearable" shoes... nightmare!

  7. @AnimatedPet- I'm right there with you! Almost headed out on Valentine's Day wearing cowboy boots with my little black dress because I haven't replaced all my black shoes yet. Lovely :)

  8. Hahahaha
    I love the cake!! Dogs eating things in house=badtimes. Also, this is my first time to your blog but I really like your style, and the pups are adorable.
    Cool stuff
