Wednesday, February 24, 2010

The New Yorker Has Gone to the Dogs

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99.99% of the time I have no idea what in the hell is going on with the front cover of the New Yorker. Waaaaaaaaaaay over my head. Way. They are all cerebral and smart and clever... and I don't get them (yes, I do realize what this says about me). This one, however, I think I get:

It's cold! And there's snow everywhere! And even our dogs are cold!

... Or maybe it's some kind of commentary on the state of our society spending precious cash-ola on dog cloths in this economy...? Is the New Yorker making fun?

Okay, once again completely in the dark where I suppose I should be when it comes to the New Yorker.

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  1. Love the cover. The New Yorker is always so clever.

  2. The statement regarding the cover, in the Feb 8th issue of the New Yorker is: "Baby, Its Cold OutSide" by Ana Juan. Apparently Ana Juan has done more than one cover for the magazine. If you go here: and click on the heart, and then (click on) the appearing image, you will get a small contact form to appear. You might query her as to her motivation for her covers. Then you will know. :-) In the meantime, I kind of like it.

  3. I don't think anyone understands the covers but we are all too cool to admit it.

  4. hmmm this gives me some new product ideas lol!!

    I love all their expressions~ and that the little Chihuahua looks like it's a white grenade!!

  5. @shopKCQ- he does look like a grenade!

  6. I'm with you. Even though I have no idea what they mean, I keep 'em all because they make me look smart.
