Sunday, August 16, 2009

Gladiator Biker Chick

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I bought this bottle of Cycles Gladiator solely because it was banned by Alabama. Banned in Alabama! Apparently the Alabama Beverage Control Board figured it was "pornographic." I think one would normally see more boob at a Super Bowl halftime show, but whatever. It's a nice table wine and they are getting a bunch of press, so good for them!

In honour of the artwork I took this pic in front of my super tough biker jacket. I do not own a motorcycle. I am not tough. I have no idea what the characters on the back say. Please don't write to me and tell me it says something like "The wearer of this jacket is a bonehead." It won't stop me from wearing it, but I firmly believe that ignorance is bliss with these kinds of things.

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  1. Too funny -just finished a bottle of Gladiator Sarah. Heavy, fruity, not partularly dry, opaque? odd huh? Very grape-y. Stained my teeth. Not bad for $9 in Alaska really. I got it cause of the label. didn't know it was banned - even better. Working on Alaska Dog News arrgghh computer

  2. @Alaska Dog News- yeah, it was definitely fine, didn't knock my socks off. Only $9? I suppose that could be why :)

  3. Honestly, I've been looking for this bottle in FL. so that I can buy it for the same exact reason. One of our local restaurants serves it so I may just buy it from them!
